Music Obsessions April 2017

Hi all!

It's me, Curlyalicia! I'm going to tell you what songs I've been listening to obsessively in the past 5 months and as of this month!

1. Monster- Kanye West ft. Bon Iver, Rick Ross, Jay-Z and Nicki Minaj- The first time I heard it I knew this was a huge song for me with a killer beat. I have reached 17 plays, which is a lot for me with a song I have just added to my repertoire. Nicki of course slays and I am becoming a Jay-Z fan.

2. Durban Deep- Elton John- This song is different from Elton's other stuff. It has this echo to it and it has a funky kind of beat that I like.

3. Honky Cat- Elton John- This is a song that holds meaning to me, even if it deviates from what Elton was intending. My feeling during the song is a country boy being lured in by the attractions of the city and the country life is no longer appealing. I came from a quite rural area and now I have been living in the city since I started university. I have been out of school for about 3-4 years now and I have also lived on my own since 2014 where I pay my own rent. The only thing I miss about back home is my mom. But I don't want to go back to live there. I wish my Mom would come to live in the city, but alas, I am a city girl and my mom is not used to the city. =(

4. Cowboy Boots- Macklemore and Ryan Lewis- This song is one I only started listening to despite having the whole album it is from in my itunes. I don't listen to much non single Macklemore but this song proves that I can like non single stuff from Macklemore and I should listen to it more often!  It's one of those songs that takes you back to a certain time that you look back fondly on.

5. Sorry- Beyonce. Beyonce, the Queen, slays in this song! I got hooked on this when I listened to it after hearing the SNL Melania Trump parody of it.

6. Countdown- Beyonce. Now to the best of my knowledge, this isn't a single, but I love it. It's one of those songs that is worth listening to over and over again!


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