Update Nov 12, 2022

 Hey all!

I've been busy with a lot of things lately and also having a bunch of free time! I haven't done an update post in awhile and I have been slowly working on future posts for the blog!

In an upcoming post, I am telling you all about my experience discovering that I am probably asexual. I still am attracted to men and whatnot but I do not want sex or anything beyond kissing and hugging, delving even into the demisexual part of the ace spectrum.

Two weeks ago I went to the sci fi convention in my city. My cousin and I had a lot of fun there!

I'm seeing Cats on stage in my city this month!

I'm thinking about more ideas for the blog. I am going to play around with the layout sometime so I can get maybe a blog description up and whatnot.

Twitter is having issues since Elon Musk took over. Idk if it's going to stick around or not. My belief is that it could very well stick around, but I'm not sure. I quit tumblr years ago but I decided to rejoin not just because of the twitter debacle but I wanted to have a place to promote my blog and have fun once in awhile. On tumblr I am curlyalicia. I am also curlyalicia on Tik Tok. I will try to get some links up on my blog here as well as on my fb writer's page. I'll also try to update the writer's page so I can get some short updates on there. 

I haven't done any poetry posts yet. They are coming! I am thinking about some new topics to delve into on here:

pokemon cards/yugioh cards (or at least talking about my love of them both in a post)

talking about religion. I am Christian but I am a non-denominational protestant leaning one. I have beliefs that are not Christian such as I do believe in past lives and some Buddhist/Eastern religion things. I am fascinated by divination much to the contradiction that Christians do not engage in divination and New Age stuff such as crystals. I love crystals. I believe there are many paths to God/Gods/Goddesses and it's also ok to not have a religion or believe in any higher power. My God is the Christian God along with Jesus being His Son but I do not adhere strictly to what Christianity says and I do not go to church because I found it to be not mandatory for me to praise God along with a bunch of holier than thou people, in general.

Guinea pig facts. I will cite my sources but it won't necessarily be health facts, it's more about general care and weird guinea pig facts. It will be a series.

Continuing my music series and their sub series: I did some posts on different songs and what I like about them and different albums. I wish to continue this. Might do posts on the artists themselves

Doing more disney posts. I have a lot of thoughts when it comes to Disney animated movies. A lot of them are positive. I like bringing some deeper meaning to my posts too, somewhat philosophical and psychological takes.

 More video game, pokemon, etc posts

I'm not a person who is good at their own money but I can post some little tips on how to save money i.e. library vs. buying books. It will also be a series



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