Toe Fungus Home Remedy recipe

 Hello all,

I have a cousin that I don't see a lot in person that recommended to myself and others, years ago, a home remedy for toe fungus. I seem to get it sometimes in my toenails.

You need:

Hydrogen Peroxide

Gold listerine (doesn't have to be name brand, any generic gold mouthwash will do)

In a container, you combine 2 table spoons of the gold mouthwash, and 2 teaspoons of peroxide. I usually keep adding both measurements til I have enough for a bunch of uses. You'll want to get the cotton pads you take off makeup with from either Walmart or a dollar store. Don't let dogs lick your toes when you're done because it will make them sick. Best to put socks on when you're done if you have pets.



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