Update: August 14 2023

Hello all,

I haven't been writing as much in here lately. I don't post a lot in the blog enough already but I kind of abandoned it. I've been busy with selling at a local flea market some things I wish to purge. I saw the dentist on Thursday and had a bunch of fillings done. I also see the oral surgeon for a consultation on Mon for the three teeth that need to be hauled out. I have been feeling a great deal of shame for the damage I've caused my teeth and I'm doing better with my oral health and the dentist says I'm improving and there is always room to do better.

I saw a porcupine late at night after my cousin and I walked home from the movies late on Thursday! I usually don't see alive ones in the wild! He was waddling around near the driveway at Costco!

The garden centres are pretty done with right now. I managed to buy two plants 50% off at Walmart during the clearance.


I meant to put out this post on July 22, 2023. I forgot to. My mom had a heart attack a couple of weeks ago but is doing well despite it. She is now home as of a week ago. It was scary. I love my mom dearly. Cherish everyday.



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