Produce 8: Berries 2: Strawberries

 Strawberries are delicious. I don't eat them often but as a berry, it has health benefits. (Don't get me started on how it's technically not a true berry!)

Strawberries locally from Atlantic Canada are the tastiest strawberries out there! I used to go picking with my mom sometimes when I was younger so we could go u-pick some strawberries for her freezer jam. I'm hoping to learn to make my own freezer jam with strawberries in the near future.

The health benefits of strawberries are:

Lots of vitamin C (which is good for you!)

antioxidants (super food, so lowers inflammation and prevents cancer and other serious diseases!)

helps promote brain power

the vitamin C in strawberries is good for your immune system!

prevents heart disease, strokes and diabetes

strawberries help to control your blood sugar levels

they lower cholesterol 

(source: )



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