What sparks joy?

 Hey all,

I am by no means a minimalist. I have a lot of things especially for a one person household in a one bedroom apartment. I am inspired by Marie Kondo, and, the minimalist community to take a look at what really sparks joy.

Different things for me spark joy. Manga sparks joy for me, for instance, but I have way too much of it. I can pare down my collection because I am able to part with some of it.

You can have things that spark joy and not have to keep the whole collection. I'm in the process of discovering what sparks joy, and what sparks joy the most for me. I've bought a lot of things in the past and it is taking up room. It's killing two birds with one stone if I can declutter it and make some money on it at the same time!

I realize as time goes on, some things that used to spark lots of joy spark less joy, albeit still joy. I know I'm someone who loves to collect things, but I only have so much space in my one bedroom apartment. I have things that belong to me that are still at my moms! 

Sometimes when you're trying to discover what sparks joy and what does not, I find it helps to revisit things more than once because something may not spark joy when you're sad but does when you're happy. You have to do it with a clear mind because stress or sadness may cloud your judgement.

I love my stuff but I need to let go of some stuff because I buy stuff impulsively and I need to break the cycle of emotional buying. It's a vicious cycle that is for sure. Trauma can definitely contribute to it.

Retail therapy feels good at first but it can be a vicious cycle. Shopping can be an addiction helmed by our emotions and over the years is a hard habit to break. We should make purchases for our homes with clear judgment and declutter what does not spark joy with clear judgment as well.

What sparks joy for you will change as time goes on.



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