Update: Mid (now late may) May Update

 Hey all,

A few weeks ago. there was a time that was a little stressful for me. My mom had a kidney stone surgery done for a rather large kidney stone and she was in the hospital for almost a whole week! She could have been home sooner but they needed to do a ct scan to make sure the kidney stone was all gone (it was, once they did the ct scan) and they didn't do it the day they thought they would. My mom also has a mild kidney infection so they needed the ok for her to go home. She is taking it easy at home when not doing little bouts of housework. She is on antibiotics. It was good to hear from my mom once she got home.

(she is doing well now!)

I am still doing the weekly markets, trying to declutter my vast amounts of stuff I have. I'm not getting rid of everything, just paring down stuff. There were a few bad sales days at the beginning of the year, but consistently for the last month and a half, I have tried to go in in a chipper mood and have been making more than my table back each time. Obviously I'd like to make super duper sales but I'm happy when I can make double my table's rental fee. My cousin and I do this market because if we rent 2 tables, we get one free and it is more cost effective than the other major flea market in town. Plus we have made some buddies with the vendors and we have some regular customers we love to talk to!

Hashbrown is now 4.5 years old. I've had her since March 2021 when she was a year and a few months. In November, she will be 5 years old! She is thriving well and living her best life. I know guinea pigs do well in pairs, but like my Pineapple, Hashbrown is happy to be solo. Plus Hashbrown wasn't bonded to Bebe. She wanted to, but Bebe was a bully and I think Hashbrown's trust is broken with other pigs. She's a total mamma's girl too.

I recently had a week off from work a few weeks ago. I am a 5 year worker so I get a third week of vacation. I have a week off the week of Christmas and I have a week off in June. I'm excited for my June week off. I'll be productive like I was on my week off, but I'm going to sprinkle in more fun this time, and hopefully playing my gamecube!

Soon, the garden centres are open (they're actually open now, i think, at superstore!) As much as I complain about the heat in summer, summer is one of my fave seasons because it means warm weather, deck time, beach time, open windows and gardening! I am going to try and get some plants for indoors that mice don't like so I don't lure in Charlie and his mice friends. (for those who don't know, Charlie is my name for all wild mice, regardless of gender. I live in an old building so mice happen, esp. with all the construction nearby.) I also want more geraniums since I forgot to use my moisture probe (aka the stick) and i overwatered some of mine and killed them last year.

I've been working on this post on and off all month. My mental health had been slipping gradually and I finally got a pill increase to help cope. I did get to the garden centres several times to buy some geraniums! I love gardening season! My uncle loved gardening and I love keeping care of geraniums because of him. My other fave flower, petunias, are my fave because my grampy and I once took care of a petunia plant when I was a kid. He taught me to prune the dead flowers for better growth. Our mental health is like gardening. If we do not prune out the dead flowers, we cannot shine and grow more flowers! <3



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