decluttering part 2: the beginning is the hardest part

 Hey all,

Wow! This is my first post in a while that wasn't just an update post!

I'm not a decluttering guru. I am autistic, have ADD and OCD. I have troubles finding places to begin. My memory sucks so sometimes when I get overwhelmed of where to begin to declutter or at least tidy up and organize, I call up my mom. She's always willing to help explain to me her process.

1. Always start small. Baby steps as my mom and also my older sister would say. 

2. Little bits by little bits. Don't take on the whole home in one day. Do even a closet a day or a bookshelf.

3. Don't get rid of it just to get rid of it. If you declutter things without a justified reason you'll regret decluttering something you love.

4. If you use it/ or love it don't get rid of it!

5. Organizing is key if you have a lot of stuff

6. If you get overwhelmed, take a break and come back to it

7. Rome wasn't built in a day, so don't take on too much. even one bin or one drawer can be good enough for one day.

My goal is to get my apartment super organized. Obviously not good housekeeping magazine because no one's home looks like that! But I'd like to be able to feel good. 

Part of this goal is to read some books and donate them unless I love them. I've gotten some dirt cheap from work (I work in a thrift store and have an awesome store discount). I will never get rid of certain books that I've owned for many years like the twilight series, Harry Potter or Pretty Little Liars, for example. I'm doing a goodreads challenge like I always do where I read 50 books per year. That's my goal, not the set number everyone does. I have never reached 50 books per year but if I can declutter some books after I read them, it will kill two birds with one stone! I've been passionate about books and reading my whole life!



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