Video games and me
Hello all,
This is a post about video games and I. I have covered different bits about my history with playing video games. I don't know if this is a series yet as I intended this specific post to be a standalone but I am going to do video games posts as a series that is not always related to the others in the series.
My history with video games starts in the 90s. My father passed away from leukemia in 2001 but when he was still alive, I was playing a battleship game and a nascar game I was not very good at on his gameboy. When the first pokemon games came out, I got my own gameboy color and he got me pokemon blue. At some point when he passed I got pokemon crystal and my sister got pokemon silver. I should note that my sister got pokemon red.
I used to go over to the neighbour's house to watch their kid play video games. We were only friends when we were kids. He had a lot of different systems. I didn't have a N64 at the time. I briefly had one that my sister had years after she had passed but the game system croaked and I couldn't get it resolved. The kid next door had an N64 and i watched him play Majora's mask and Ocarina of Time, two Zelda games that people still highly regard to this day. They ever re-released them at some point for the different newer systems. I watched him play windwaker, pokemon stadium. Some of the easier games I got to play. Still to this day I feel bad albeit on a minor level because I accidentally erased his progress on the mario party one game, I think it's the side quest part. I remember he always chose luigi and I loved yoshi so I chose yoshi. The kid next door is how I got into smash bros and eventually when I got my gamecube I got melee, one of my fave games to this day.
I never had big consoles. I was staunchly a handheld person. Even my switch is the switch lite. I got a gamecube from my mom as a xmas gift (I think it was xmas) when the wii was coming out. I don't usually buy reburb stuff but my mom got me a refurb one and it was a good price because the gamecube was the older system as the wii was the more pricey, shinier thing at the time. I have never owned a wii or an xbox or a playstation. All the games I play are usually put out by nintendo.
Briefly, my sister before she passed had a ps2. I bought a Final Fantasy x-2 game for it and only played it once. The PS2 got wrecked by a dog and I couldn't play my FF game. Mind you my game didn't get wrecked. I eventually sold the game once I got the remaster of both FF x and X-2 for the switch. FF x is a fun game!
I don't own many games for the gamecube but I love my gamecube.
I have played many pokemon games over the years across different systems. Well main pokemon games at least and even the remakes. I have not played the let's go ones for the switch tho. I don't find it necessary to be honest. There are upcoming ones for the switch I want more.
My mom got me my switch. I actually got up on black fri before work and put it somewhere safe in my locker. I also got pokemon sword there too. My early easter present for 2020 was animal crossing.
The first video game I ever bought myself was when I was still in school. Legend of Zelda: oracle of seasons, and I paid for it I think with my allowance. I remember buying it at Zellers.
A series I loved playing albeit I didn't beat the final boss in the first game and the final boss in the third game is awful to beat is Golden Sun. I wish they would make a fourth one. I have futile hopes they will do it someday.
I never owned the gamecube animal crossing. I was introduced to it at my cousin's house. Sometimes I help her with getting lego pieces in her lego marvel games. My mom got me new leaf for the 3DS. I loved new leaf but I love new horizons even more.
I think I will leave it be for now because I think I will do a part 2 that are my fave games I have ever played even if I haven't beaten some of them.
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