Update Nov 20 2021

Hey all!

I realized I hadn't done many posts this month. I'm hoping to have more posts up as I have more movie reviews I want to do, as well as just about any other idea I have been floating around on here for the last few months.

My mental health has been weird different times this year. I have been missing my Pupu sometimes. I've been hanging out with Bebe and Hashbrown. I have mental health issues in addition to being autistic and I have OCD. I have compulsions in spending, so I struggle to save money sometimes. This year has been difficult for me to try and save money and I'm trying to work on getting through my compulsions. I talk to my therapist every two weeks and we work on stuff. I also talk to a shrink every few months as well. I've been talking to my therapist for 11 years and my shrink is my fave one I've had. I haven't had many but the shrink I had before my current one was awful. I won't go into why but they were not very helpful and I walked out after our session was done and never went back. I was working with my GP for awhile before I found the wonderful shrink that my family and I were trying to find for years. 

I want to try and not make this a sad update! So I'm going to tell you about some happy things!

I made bacon this morning! I don't eat bacon often at all and I love bacon. I try to not eat too much because it's not good for heart health in excess amounts. My aunt likes getting the pre cooked bacon because she likes it and it's one of the things she still eats as she is in her 80s! She was in possession of the bacon you need to cook but she is older and her arm got messed up from a surgery years ago so the uncooked kind would not be kind on her bad arm (that arm is almost non working.) She asked me if I'd like to have 2lbs of bacon! I said yes! I made sure the bacon was still fresh and so I made a small amount! It was very tasty!

Bebe and Hashbrown are happy and fat! They are doing all kinds of cute things! I had a dream this week where Pupu came to visit Bebe, Hashbrown, and I. Pupu showed me she's doing well in Heaven and that she sent me Bebe and Hashbrown to take her place. I'm so glad I got Bebe and Hashbrown. I knew they were the right female guinea pigs for me. The friend at work that I adopted them from and I always talk about the guinea pigs and she knew I was the right pig mom to take them. Hashbrown actually has her birth month right now! I'm trying to figure out what to get Hashbrown! Guinea pigs don't always like half the toys and chews you buy them. (Many of them aren't really ppig safe anyways!)

This Fri. coming is my float day! It's a one paid holiday a year that you request the day rather than pick your paid weeks off when your place in seniority lets you choose and when you're me and don't have a lot of seniority, you have some limits, albeit not terribly as it could be. It's Black Friday so I will be doing some Xmas shopping. I'll probably get more stuff done next month as well.



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