OCD-It's not a quirk and it is a lot

 Hey all!

So in addition to being autistic, I have OCD, which is obsessive compulsive disorder. I am not a neat freak, it doesn't make me quirky, although I am quirky or at the very least eccentric on a separate part from that. OCD is not very good. I was diagnosed with it when I was a kid. I was autistic and OCD and I would get anxious if things weren't lined up a certain way on a table and I was constantly washing my hands esp. after my daddy passed away. My daddy passed away from leukemia when I was in grade 5. I think the anxiety of losing my daddy young made me compulsively wash my hands. In grade 5 sometime before he passed away I was also pulling out my hairs and my eyebrow hairs. 

You can't cure OCD, but you can manage it. I still have OCD pop up all the time. One of my compulsions is to buy things. I don't just buy anything though, it's usually things I like like books or groceries. I am working on it though. My therapist and I are working to talk things out about my compulsions both spending and not. My compulsions are due to negative self-worth and self-esteem. When you have OCD, you are second guessing yourself and are really hard on yourself. My therapist and my mom both say I'm too hard on myself. Self love is hard but it's very important!!!

I'm going to be doing a self care/self love series on this blog! Each entry will be about positive things you can do so you can love yourself!



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