Disney Series #4 Ursula: My Fave Disney Character and Villain!
Hey all,
It's been a long time since I did my Disney blog series! I'm hoping to do more of these!
My favorite Disney character and villain ever happens to be Ursula! I actually cosplayed her a few years ago. My older cousin made the costume and tentacles!
I've been drawn to Ursula for a very long time. My top favorite movie from Disney is not The Little Mermaid but it is high up on the list. My top favorite is actually Mulan!
The Little Mermaid has had a special place in my heart for awhile. I liked it even as a kid but as an adult I was drawn to Ursula. I never sat down and thought about why that was. But now I am doing it!
Ursula, despite being outcast from Triton's kingdom, has a charisma and confidence of someone who has been on their own or cast out from popularity. I was never popular in high school and although I am quite social beyond high school, I don't always have a lot of close friends. I'll have people who I enjoy talking to, but I'm not a scene stealer even if I am quite outspoken and don't mind the spotlight.
Ursula is also deliciously evil and she is fabulous! She's got comedic tones and she also has origins in the lgbtqa+ community as she is based on the drag queen Divine.
She is just so fantastic. I collect different things that are Ursula.
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