Produce 3: Cotton Candy Grapes!

 Hey all,

I used to work in produce. I worked produce for 3.5 years. I won't work produce again and I love working at the thrift store, but I still like fruits and veggies as a part of my diet!

When I worked in produce, I was working in a local specialty chain of grocery stores. Before Walmart and Sobeys and Superstore even got in some fancy produce, my former workplace's stores were the primary place in my city to get specialty produce. I want to restart up my produce series to tell you about some produce!

When I worked in produce, I was introduced to cotton candy grapes. They taste sweet like pink sugar in a way. Not necessarily cotton candy but I certainly thought so and still do. 

Allegedly they are non-GMO! They are not given hormones or tweaked artificially. They have been bred and cross bred to get the cotton candy taste. It's kind of like how they get new varieties of apples, albeit I am not sure what the process is exactly to get cotton candy grapes.

These are definitely worth a try!


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