Self love #2: What is your mantra?
Mantras are powerful. Usually we associate these with Eastern religions. Mantras can also be powerful for you to realize your full potential, and to love yourself!
One that I personally like is one from The Help: You is kind, you is smart, you is important. What is a mantra that would work for you to start loving yourself? If you don't love yourself, you might not believe it will work even if you pick one. Remember how I had the affirmations from the look in the mirror post? Your mantra is your affirmation. Pick what works for you and look at yourself in a mirror. If you meditate, you can use it during meditation. Another thing you can do is simply look in the mirror and start smiling at your reflection as you notice things in front of you and think good thoughts about yourself that are not visible in the mirror. It will create a positive reinforcement of good thoughts about yourself.
It is ok to have more than one mantra! Self love doesn't have to be selfish, it is about loving and caring for yourself! I believe in God and Jesus and in The Bible we are temples of God. Obviously I am not strictly Christian. I call myself Christian but I am open to Eastern religious practices as well. A lot of therapists like to provide mindfulness tips in therapy. <3
I challenge you to find a mantra that works for you. I will be providing more tips as I try to love myself. <3
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