Thrift 2: Save Money on Books that you love

 In my last post about thrifting, it takes a lot of water to produce a t shirt. This applies to any piece of clothing.

According to this article,   it takes 3 gallons of water to produce one page of a book! Now consider that a lot of books are still made in a tangible format and a lot are produced. That's a lot of water!

I own an ereader. I own the Kobo touch screen. It's an older model now but it works great and I got it when it was still a newer model. It's not one I can read manga on. Not everyone can afford an ereader. I don't always use mine but I treasure it because I'm saving room and money buy downloading free ebooks off the kobo website!

But what if you like having a physical book? Well just like buying clothes thrifted and saving the waste cycle by being sustainable buying clothes thrifted, you can do the same with books!

I usually work housewares at my thrift store I work at. I sometimes do stock the books section. I am passionate about thrifting books. Most of my Manga collection is from thrift stores and quite a few of my thrifted manga are from working at a thrift store. I have cut down on buying manga but also it sells out fast at my work. But by buying books secondhand you are saving waste and you save money by buying them thrifted! Most books at my work are a maximum of 6 bucks with the exception of showcase books that are more. Quite a few books are 3 and 4 bucks and there are often books that came out in the last 3 years. A paperback can be expensive especially in 2022 prices. Canadian prices are always more expensive than U.S. too. I've been able to find many books at my work even before I got hired that cost me many dollars cheaper than full price new. I'm a book worm and I love to read! When I was a little kid, I was always reading the dictionary!

I am cutting down on buying books thrifted unless it is something I plan on keeping long term. One of my fave genres are Y.A. I am saving money by going to the library and borrowing books. My city has quite a few manga titles in the catalog too.

Another thing that is beneficial about thrifting books is that you can read Harry Potter and not give J.K. Rowling any money for a new copy! She's very anti trans and Harry Potter is a hot item at thrift stores. Thrift stores get a lot of copies and they always sell, at least they always sell at my thrift store!



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