Produce 6: Broccoli

(photo source: Encyclopedia Britannica website) 

 Broccoli is like cauliflower. It is very good for you! It's a superfood and is part of the same family of vegetables as cauliflower. It is a cruciferous vegetable. A lot of people just eat the florets but the stems have more nutrients than ever the florets!

The above website states that broccoli is chock full of nutrients. They include: potassium, folic acid, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and, Vitamin K. Broccoli, like cauliflower, is great eaten cooked or raw. As well, broccoli, like cauliflower, has a variety of ways you can cook and eat with it making it quite robust.

The above website says that broccoli has antioxidants. Like cauliflower, that means it is great in preventing disease, including cancer and cell damage caused by cancer.

Broccoli helps strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis. It is because it is a good source of calcium. The Vitamin K in broccoli also helps strengthen bones as well

The amount of Vitamin C in broccoli helps promote heart health and prevents/reduces the chances of developing cardiovascular disease.

Broccoli also helps with skin health and reduces aging of the skin. It is because it is a good source of Vitamin C!

Broccoli helps to aid in healthy digestion, reduce the chance of getting type 2 diabetes, and helps reduce inflammation. Broccoli also helps reduce the chances of having a heart attack or stroke because it helps the arteries to not be clogged up and prevent the condition that clogs the arteries.



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