New Year's Resolutions check in

 If you're like most people, and so am I, chances are, if you made a New Year's Resolution, you gave up 2 weeks after the new year started. I had a lot of things I wanted to work on and I will have more still but I know I'm not very good at completing goals I make. 

Autistic people tend to like routines. I like routines but I sometimes fly by the seat of my pants. There are so many things I could get done if I organized my time better.

A very common New Year's resolution is exercise/ weight loss. A lot of people don't stick to their New Year's goals. I don't belong to a gym and I don't want to pay for it either. Somehow I wanted to exercise more and I am walking more, but I often laze about when I am home. Exercise and weight loss goals are not just about looking good feeling good and being healthy. I want to also on top of all this, reduce my knee pain. The knees aren't always sore or very painful, but they are often stiff. It is very annoying!

There are other resolutions that people do. I wanted to eat more healthy. I particularly wanted to eat more fruits and veggies. I'm not giving up on my goal but it has kind of been forgotten about haha.

So don't give up on your New Year's goals! Goals can be achieved anytime of the year!



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