Decluttering 10: Emails Emails Emails!
Hey all,
I already touched on digital clutter in a previous post but I wanted to make a specific post about email clutter!
I like many people have more than one email account. Two are personal and one is for work. I'm not an office worker but I needed to make a new email account just to apply at the thrift store since their online application doesn't seem to like it when you apply more than once from the same email address. There are ways to keep your emails tidy.
Obviously as I already touched on, you can make folders for different things. I don't get a lot of emails for my work email so I don't usually use folders on there. But for my two main personal accounts, folders are valuable. One of my emails is a gmail and while I don't have specific folders I made there, I like how gmail separates emails into three main inboxes. The other one, my most used personal account I have a lot of things tied up there. It is a Yahoo email and I will at some point move things over to my gmail given the problems Yahoo has been having as a company. They have been downsizing.
What type of folders do I have for my main personal account? Some examples are tax documents for tax season, a folder to archive documents from previous laptops (some are just rankings of movies or poetry and creative writing), a folder for all my correspondence for my apt building/ unit/ when my rent payment has been processed, a folder for bills and invoices. I am going to start organizing my folders even more.
A valuable tool to not lose your important emails is to mark them as important with a star. You can look up starred emails with the starred email tab. I star a lot of emails even if they aren't urgent because I want to go back and read them if I don't have time instantly. Sometimes I star emails with important sales (certain stores esp. because there is a coupon for a sale I'm attending).
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