Executive Dysfunction: What a ride!
Hey all,
I am autistic. I do not have ADHD even though for some reason I thought I was ADHD in addition to being autistic. But, ADHD and autistic people have something in common and it is not fun. It is called executive dysfunction. It makes you find it hard to plan things, make goals, start projects, finish projects and really get things done even if they are not critical time sensitive things.
I find in my 30s that executive dysfunction is becoming very real. I can be quite lazy but even when I have a whole list of things I want to do, I end up being paralyzed mentally and can't seem to plan my follow through to my to do list. I do actually get things done but I kind of flit about like a hummingbird and things aren't really done in huge chunks.
Obviously, if it's work related or important I can get it done no problem, but when it's something not time sensitive, I have a stumbling block. It is very frustrating. I am smart, I have a university degree, but yet sometimes just trying to get stuff done is annoying and my major is psychology so you'd think I'd be able to work through the stumbling block.
There are methods people have compiled to help work through these things. I don't remember what they are called, but something I try to do to combat it, esp. with the help of my Alexa, is to use reminders and also I will do things for 15 mins, rest, go back to what I am doing. Rinse and repeat!
I hope to write more about executive dysfunction more and especially anything about autism.
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