Decluttering 13: Don't forget old emails!
Hey all,
I covered in a different post about decluttering digital clutter and I covered emails. This is a Feb, almost March, 2025 check in to make sure you do it! I am good at deleting emails that are just store newsletters, but am bad at deleting emails I have seen and viewed that no longer are valid. Some examples include the Michaels promo emails as well as old links to surveys I have completed. Do not let these types of emails pile up in your inbox!
If there are any emails you wish to save even beyond reading them, put a star by them and put them in a special email folder in your email interface! I'm in the process of cleaning out my inbox a little each day. No, I don't have 500 old emails, but sometimes I can have around 100 that are no longer valid and do not have a reason to hold onto at all. It's good to do a monthly check in with your inbox and make it neat and tidy so that it's easier to navigate! It doesn't take much for them to accumulate!
Mind you, I don't need to be signed up for all these sites as I don't always shop on Old Navy or their store, but I do appreciate knowing what is on sale! Bath and Body Works is an example of this, albeit I actually go there a few times a month normally!
I have all kinds of folders for different things. One example is an email folder for anything related to my apartment I live in. 98% of these are confirmations that my web payment for my rent went through, and I keep these forever in case I need to prove I paid! Not that that has ever happened, but it's good to have on hand! Another folder are for things like my power bill statements as well as my energy efficiency statements. I like to compare my energy insights from time to time!
Make sure you star anything you wish to keep! Make sure also that your spam/junk folder is just spam and any accidental spam is transferred to your main inbox and/or a special folder! You would hate to delete something important permanently!
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