I'll Read or I'll implode!
Hey all,
I often say I will implode if I do not read something for awhile and I definitely love reading!
I have read 188 books in 2024. My love of reading fuels me and I love going to the library to provide reading material to fuel my passion.
I've always loved reading. There was a long period in my adult life where I barely read anything each year but now I am hungry for reading and I cannot get enough!
It's a good obsession to have, to always want to read. It's good for your brain. I read a lot of fiction as well as non fiction. I need to keep my brain sharp because it always feels like it is melting.
I'm hoping to read a lot of books this year in 2025 as well. I pledged 70 books for 2025 on goodreads. I love goodreads. It is how I log my books and the ones I want to read. I can also leave book reviews too. I usually just rate the books out of 5 stars, but sometimes leave short reviews as well.
Reading is a calming thing for me. It is one of the ways I practice mindfulness even if I am not someone who is big on mindfulness. Mindfulness on its own can be kind of anxiety inducing but if I pair it with music, playing my switch, or especially reading, then it isn't scary or anxiety inducing at all! It gives something for my mind to focus on so I can be mindful and not get overwhelmed!
Something that gets me excited is when I have stuff to pick up on my holds shelf at the library. Sometimes, but not always, when my library branch has the free to own books to take home, I will take a couple. I only take books I will actually read. Sometimes they even have manga! These books are books that are deleted from the catalog, often due to wear and tear.
I remember I was an avid reader in elementary school. In grade 2 or 3, I was already on young chapter books! I was obsessed with borrowing Clifford and Magic School bus books out from the elementary school library.
My small community I grew up in had a book mobile from a bigger library 30 mins away in a town that would visit down the road from my mom's house. I was always borrowing things there. I actually came to discover the original books that Thomas the Tank Engine came from by Wilbert Awdry! There was an anthology of his original stories I borrowed at least twice! Now I have most of the Wilbert Awdry books save a few, and I have a long way to go with his son's Railway Series books. They are very hard to come by, ESPECIALLY on a budget. They are not well circulated so Ebay and Amazon want absolutely ludicrous prices for the Chris Awdry books. I check my work (a thrift store) and other thrift stores for them with no luck.
I have been a card holding member of my city's library since I turned an adult. I have gone to the library for years but in the last 5 years especially have really been wielding the power I can have to borrow books!
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