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Third Spaces 2: The Library and The Strike

 Hey all, I had a blog post I made a little while back about the importance of third spaces. Where I live, the city's library workers are on strike. Even though this inhibits my library usage, I am fully in support of the library workers getting paid a living wage, especially considering how much they actually do in terms of customer support and extra stuff like providing basic human services especially to vulnerable people. The library is not just books. While the library is on strike, think about this. Many people who don't have printers, computers or even internet use the library to find jobs or print stuff off, including unhoused people. People who can't afford a printer, a meal, a place to stay, use the library. The library is used by newcomers for tutoring and finding services. People get their taxes done via tax clinics. Kids and adults especially those in poverty take classes and go to events. Kids and teens do their homework there. People who want to save money and

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