Saving me, I chose you: a tale of two pigs

 Hello all!

This wasn't a post I was planning to do next. It's a happy post.

My two new pigs are doing so well. When I first got them they were very timid. Bebe and Hashbrown run my home! I pay the bills but they run the show! They are sooo talkative!

When Pineapple passed away 7 days into the beginning of this year, 2021, I was so sad. I was crying a lot and I felt so lost. Every day was so sad because I didn't have my Pupu. (pupu is Pineapple's nickname). I went 2 months alone in my apt. without any pigs. I was depressed and not taking care of myself. Everything was sad in my heart.

A girl I am friends with at work loves guinea pigs. She loves them on a huge level. Her cat would not leave her guinea pigs alone and she wanted a life for her pigs that weren't spent  by a cat watching them. I adopted her pigs. The pigs are so happy right now. They are the loves of my life.

In chosing Bebe and Hashbrown, I saved myself from heartbreak of missing Pupu. I still think about Pupu a lot and I will always think about Pupu. Years before I lost Pupu, I lost Creamsicle. Creamsicle's passing was hard on me because she was younger than Pupu when she passed. Creamsicle was 3.5 years old, practically a baby, and Pupu was 7.5 years when she passed. Pupu was a little old lady who blessed my life and she was blessed to have such a long life of no suffering. Creamsicle I still think about a lot too but Creamsicle seems to be faint in my memory. Pupu is still fresh in my memory because I had her so long. <3

 Bebe and Hashbrown are sooo pudgy. Esp. Bebe! I took pics of them to show how pudgy they are!

Hashbrown is so weird because when I try to cuddle her she tries to leave but she can't really leave my chest because she can't do jumps of that height. Bebe is the chill one. I tried to do their nails the other week and both were brats! Bebe was esp. a brat about her nails!

I know their birthdays. Not the exact days but the rough birth months. Bebe is a January baby (2020) and Hashbrown is a nov/dec baby. Hashbrown and Bebe are not biological sisters.

As long as I am able to not be old and silly, I will always have guinea pigs. I always fantasized about having a cat but my heart truly lies with the guinea pigs. They are such affectionate animals. Bebe licks me and gives me kisses and I am so grateful for that because Pupu didn't really lick me. She licked me like maybe twice the whole time I had her and no other times. She did boop my nose with her nose though if I kissed her head. Creamsicle was the pig that always licked me. I'm hoping Hashbrown will do kisses. Hashbrown does do the donut lips though!



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