semi update may 18 2021

 Hey everybody!

I'm finally able to get my first dose of the COVID vaccine!

I was hoping to make more posts that are longer but I have to be in the mood to make posts that are longer than a few paragraphs and are not just update posts!

Bebe and Hashbrown are not impressed with the major repairs to the roof of my large apartment building. The noise is bothering them and it is bothering me too!

I've been off work for almost a whole month. It's hard to not feel listless.

I finally watched Monster's Inc though! I probably watched it when I was younger but have no memory of it. It was very good! I saw Monster's University in theatres years ago. I also liked that movie too!

I'm still working on my Pixar ranking, as well as my Disney ranking. I'm also still doing my Studio Ghibli ranking as well! I don't know if my Ghibli ranking is in my email archives but I can quickly make a new one if not.

My birthday is next month! wahoo! No idea what I want from my mom for my birthday (who is the only one I ever make a wishlist for, for my birthday or xmas)....but I'll figure it out!

I'd love to personally, not for my birthday, but in general, have more switch games. I love my switch lite so much. I rarely have a day I don't play my switch. If there is a day I don't, it's usually saturday because it's a day I don't play a lot of animal crossing.

I love the new Animal Crossing so much! It came out last year and it's one my fave games ever! It's so calming. Its the game I play for the switch the most. I don't have a lot of switch games.

I want to make a personal list of games I would like to get for the switch. I'm hoping to get the myself someday so my mom doesn't have to.

I was originally against Alexa (amazon alexa, duh!) but now I am fascinated by her! I'm going to try to get one for myself sometime!

Gardening is going alright. I garden in my apt every year. I have a bunch I put out on my deck when the last frost is way past gone. The thing that is doing the best right now is a trio of geraniums I put into a pot with some dirt that I bought pre grown from a garden centre last year. It's gone crazy with the flower buds on it!



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