Decluttering 3: Do I ditch it or do I store it better?
Hello all!
I as I have mentioned several times before am not a minimalist. I am trying to declutter some things but a lot of items i own hold value to me because they belong to family members who have passed away and I was close to, or I have some sentimental attachment to. I don't like getting rid of stuff people have given me as gifts or have asked if I wanted it when they no longer want it. I don't say yes to everything but a lot of items I say yes to have a lot of value and I appreciate being asked if close family members want me to have something that they think would add more value to my life than not. I am not a domestic goddess or a domestic guru, but I'd like to muse about some things.
Sometimes I find even if you have a lot of stuff, it's not necessarily that you have too much stuff, at least unless you are a hoarder. I believe that there are ways to better organize your stuff so you can maximize space. I'm not sure which ways are best because it depends on how much stuff you have and how much space you have to work with. My apt is a one bedroom with a living room, tiny kitchen, has a few closets, bathroom, etc. Everyone in this building used to have a locker in a room but for insurance reasons since it is an old building they discontinued the service so I moved my stuff into my apt. I like to collect things like dolls and certain thomas toys (ERTL and wooden railway only 95% of the time). I also have funko pops in my apt too and manga. There are ways I made things look good in here but there are a lot of books and I need to read some so I can donate them.
So if you have a lot of items you don't dare part with for sentimental reasons, it's important to store them in a tidy manner. I am autistic and I struggle with being organized. I am someone who struggles with keeping goals.
It's best to ask to see if it's ok to declutter items in your home, even if you live on your own or at least ask for advice.
This post is part 1 of decluttering 3 because I will do a part 2 for decluttering 3 that are some tips for what to declutter from your home regardless of what room it lives in.
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